Training for obtaining a license for installation, commissioning and maintenance of technical protection systems and user training

Almaks d.o.o. Belgrade provides training for physical persons according to the program O4 to obtain licenses for performing tasks installation, commissioning and maintenance of technical protection systems and user training (LT3).


Training for obtaining a license to carry out risk assessment work in the protection of persons, property and business


Training for obtaining a license to perform technical protection system planning tasks and a license to perform design tasks and supervision over the implementation of technical protection systems


Training for obtaining a license for installation, commissioning and maintenance of technical protection systems and user training
What requirements must candidates meet if they want to be licensed?

A license to perform private security services may be issued to a natural person who meets the general conditions for obtaining each of the established licenses, in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on Private Security (Official Gazette of RS No. 104/13, 42/15 and 87/18), namely:


  1. that he is a citizen of the Republic of Serbia;
  1. has a registered residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
  2. that he is of legal age;
  3. has at least secondary education;
  4. no safety concerns;
  5. is psychophysically capable of performing these tasks, as evidenced by a medical certificate or a report from a competent health institution or a certificate that he is medically fit to hold and carry weapons if he performs tasks with weapons, not older than 60 days at the time of submitting the request;
  6. is trained in the handling of firearms, i.e. if he has served military service with a weapon, if he performs work with a weapon;
  7. has mastered the training in accordance with this law;
  8. has passed the professional exam in the Ministry.

In addition to the above, there is also a special condition which should be completed by a natural person in order to obtain a License for performing technical protection tasks, i.e. a License for performing installation, commissioning, maintenance of technical protection systems and user training - is to have at least a secondary education in a technical profession.

Where the training takes place, duration and price of the training

The training takes place in Vračar, ul. Gospodara Vučića 129, according to the previously established schedule.

The training lasts 20 lessons, which is 4 days, in accordance with Rulebook on programs and methods of conducting professional training for the performance of private security and security services. You can get information about the price of the training at the following phone number +381 66 82 82 500.

Content of the training

The training is of a theoretical nature, and the lectures are organized according to the topics and questions defined by the MUP, with the aim of adequate preparation for the professional exam. At the first training class, each participant receives material for monitoring the training.

Sequence of steps in implementation
  1. Confirm, report the number of participants per training - reservation (contact: +381 66 82 82 500;
  2. Complete the documents required for each participant
  1. Agreement on organizing and conducting professional training for the performance of private security services between legal entities and submit a certified list of training participants (or a contract between a legal entity and a natural person, if the participant comes to the training independently)
  2. The training is carried out in a defined period
  3. Invoicing and payment
  4. If the trainee attended the training classes, successfully passed the test and fulfilled the requirements of the Training Agreement, he receives a CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING with which he can apply to the MUP to take the exam for the corresponding license

For all additional information, questions and concerns regarding training, you can contact us via email or  to a phone number +381 66 82 82 500.

What after the training?

Training is only the first step towards obtaining a license to perform private security work. Every trainee must pass a professional exam for performing private security duties after completing the training which is organized by the Expert Commission of the MUP. In order to apply for the professional exam, each candidate must submit the following documentation to the MUP:

Proof of payment it must be certified by the bank's stamp. If the payment for candidates is made by a legal entity, in the field purpose of payment must be indicated name and surname of the candidate to whom the payment refers.

Submit the collected documentation to the address: POLICE ADMINISTRATION, PU FOR THE CITY OF BELGRADE, BULEVAR DESPOTA STEFANA 107, 11000 BELGRADE.

Detailed instructions for applying for the exam can be found here link.

After passing the professional exam, participants should teach documentation for issuing a license to the competent MUP. Detailed instructions for issuing a license for a natural person and a legal entity can be found here link.

Eventually, all trainees who receive a license become  security officers. All security officers (regardless of what license they hold) should carry with them when performing their official duties official identification. You can see the instructions for issuing identification cards to private security officers here.

Documents to download

Our location

Since 1991, we have been taking care of security
and technical protection systems.
